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Marvel 37: Preventive medical benefit of olive trees
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Preventive medical benefit of olive trees:

Dear noble brothers, in many sound Prophetic Ahadeeth, the Prophet PBUH referred to the olive tree as the blessed tree. This description (i.e. the blessed tree) is also mentioned in the Noble Quran.

I came across an informative site where a very precise fact is mentioned. The article says that British scientists found new evidences that prove the preventive medical benefits of the olive tree in treating intestine cancer which is the main reason behind the deaths of more than 20.000 patients every year in Britain alone. This number is astronomically higher around the world.

Other researchers found out that the olive oil interacts with a peptic acid, and thus it prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Dear noble brothers, the intestine cancer prevails in 28 countries around the world, most of which are in Europe, America, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and China. Researchers found out that some nutritional items play a role in having this disease, and that the rates of patients decreases among those who eat lots of vegetables and grains.

A noble dear brother, who lived in USA for thirty years, said to me,  "According to  a detailed study, scientists found out that the Mediterranean food is the best in the world, because it depends basically on vegetables." Actually, the Mediterranean countries do not eat canned juices. Instead, they drink fresh juices, and the fibers within accelerate the digestion process and absorb the surplus cholesterol. Accordingly, the food stays in the intestine for the shortest possible time. Furthermore, the olive oil is an essential nutrition in these countries (the Mediterranean countries).

Since these countries have lots of grains in their food, it is worth  mentioning that the proteins found in check beans and fava beans are the best kind of proteins. On the other hand, the intestine cancer is 8 times more in the rich countries where the food is essentially based on red meat.

Dear noble brothers, another study shows that the risk of intestine diseases decreases upon eating food that is rich of olive oil. The medical benefits of olive oil are not limited to protect the heart from its diseases, but rather it prevents so many other diseases mentioned in this study. Moreover, man's age depends on his arteries' age, and olive oil is one of the nutrients that maintain the flexibility of the arteries.

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