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Islamic creed- Creed and Quran Inimitability- Lesson (22- 36): Constituents of Assignment: Desire (8): The desire for money- (2): Money and women
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Money and women are two desires installed in mankind:

 Dear brother, this is lesson twenty second of the series "Creed and Miraculous Inimitable Quran." Today we continue with the topic we started last lesson, which was about the lust for money. I mentioned last time how money is considered the back bone of life, and how much it is endeared to man's ownself. Also, I referred to the fact that it is a neutral means with which you either be exalted or hit rock bottom. Moreover, I told you that spending money in ways that please Allah is one of the greatest sacrifices one can offer to draw closer to Allah the Almighty.

 This topic is closely related to man's life; nine-tenths of the Fiqhi rulings are on subjects related to money and women, because they are the strongest craving lusts Allah installed in man's ownself.

Allah has meant for money to be circulated amongst people:

  The first crystal clear fact is that Allah the Almighty has meant for money to be circulated amongst all people, and this sense is proved in the following Ayah:

(( In order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you ))

[Al-Hashr, 7]

 If money is to be circulated amongst wealthy people only, the Ummah will be doomed. entails that money is in the hands of the rich, and that all their needs will be affordable, while the rest of people live in wretched poverty, because they do not have enough money. This situation is best expressed in the following saying, (One owns million (of money) and million of people own one million only."

 The healthy situation which pleases Allah, and which is beneficial to all people is that money should be circulated amongst all social classes. In fact, the major standard of progress for a society in the worldly life is narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and between the powerful and the weak. The wider the gap between the rich and the poor and between the powerful and the weak is, the more wicked the society will be. Not to mention the threats await this Ummah.

Money should be circulated lest it loses its value:

 Hence, the first fact is that money should be circulated amongst all members of the society not amongst the rich only, for this is Allah's decree. Let me mention few examples about the reason and the wisdom behind ordaining Zakat upon Muslims. Suppose that you have one hundred thousand liras from which you should pay 2.5 % as Zakat, so if you save and treasure that sum of money instead of investing it in business and make people benefit from it, Zakat will consume that amount in forty years.

((Invest orphan's money in trading lest Zakat consumes it.))

 As if the wisdom behind Zakat is to circulate the money you own. For instance, if someone is retired and owns one million beside his pension, it will be better for him to invest his money instead of treasuring it. He can do that by giving them to a young agricultural engineer who is enthusiastic, expert and skilful. 

The money is needed for a certain project, so if the profits of the project are about four hundred thousand liras , 200 thousand liras for each, what will happen in this case? The owner of the money will make use of it (by getting profits), and the agricultural engineer, who could be jobless, will get profits too. As the engineer have money, he will be able to get married to a woman whose family will be pleased by marrying their daughter. The married couple need a house to dwell in, which in turn will bring profits to the owner of the house they are about to rent. Down the road the couple will have a child, so they have to satisfy his needs. The shopkeeper will get benefit from selling the couple things needed for the child, and so on and so forth. You can notice how the wheel rotates and the million was beneficial to all parities. The same goes for establishing a store, for the profits will go to the owner of the store, the accountant who will be hired, the employees who will find jobs in that store, the storehouse owner as this store needs a place for its commodities and to the publishing house which will print all the store's needs.

The healthy nation is the one where the gap between the poor and rich is small:

  When a million is invested, its profits are circulated amongst a wide group of people. In the above mentioned example I made it clear for you how one million liras benefits, the young engineer, who becomes able to get married, rent a house for his family and buy the necessities of the house; the bedroom, stuff required in the kitchen, things required for domestic sanitary installation to work properly...etc. In brief, more than two hundred people benefit from such a mullion. It motivates a lot of people to work, so the profits are circulated among a wide group of people.

  I believe that the Divine purpose of money is to be circulated amongst the members of the society. The healthy normal situation of a society is maintained when there is convergence in living standards between the rich and the poor. For instance if the government of a country decides that everyone should own a house, you will find all people have houses, whether owned or leased. Because the lessee may pay the price of the 25 times of its annual rental money, the government pays that sum cash to the owner of the house, and receive this sum in installments from the lessee. 

 This is one example of how narrowing the gap between the social groups can solve many problems. In a country like this one every person can to treat his son at a clinic, and every one is able to bring healthy food to his family with protein and carbohydrates in it.

 Allah decreed that money should be circulated amongst the members of the society which actually makes this society a healthy one. Unlike this society, the one where prices of commodities are far beyond the purchasing power of the middle class people, is unhealthy. When the price of a certain kind of fruit reaches two hundred for one kilogram in a city like Damascus where five million inhabitants live, how many people can buy that fruit? I think only five thousand people can. However, if the price is one hundred for each kilogram, one million will be able to buy it. The more the prices decrease, the wider the group of those who can afford them is. When prices are moderate and the commodities are available for most of people, the society will be in a good situation. Allah the Almighty says:

(( I see you in prosperity ))

[Hud, 84]

 Prosperity was defined by scholars as follows: "It is the abundance of substances and the cheapness of prices."

Spending money on ways please Almighty Allah is the utmost deed:

 Again, the first fact is that money, the love for which Allah the Almighty installed in us, made it the backbone of life, made it a neutral means; we either be elevated or corrupted by it and made spending it in ways please Him the greatest deed one can do to draw closer to Him, is meant by Allah to be circulated amongst mankind.
 You may notice that the healthy social situation in a country, regardless of the religious situation in it, is manifested by the small gap between the rich and the poor. All people in such a country can be treated when they get sick, they have cars and they live in cozy warm houses where there are food, drink and clothes. According to civilization standers, this country is prosperous since the gap between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak is small. On the other hand, the country will be in a big trouble when some people spend millions to have their wedding ceremonies in a five star hotel, while millions of young people can't find a room to live in.

The wisdom behind ordaining Zakat:

 Dear brother, the first Ayah that I have mentioned earlier in our lesson is the following: 

(( In order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you ))

[Al-Hashr, 7]

 According to the Shar'e (Islamic law) Zakat is ordained upon us, because if your money is not invested, it will be consumed by Zakat. Allah ordained Zakat to prevent people from treasuring money or depriving sh3er of making use of it.

 A rich man, who owns lots of money, can establish a developmental project, why not? For example, he has five millions saved for the next five years, because he does not need this amount for the time being. Thus, he thinks that it is beneficial to invest them in many small projects, lend five hundred thousand liras for a young man and lend a million for another one to have a small shop. The owner makes his money profitable for many people including himself. Verify unless we collaborate with each other and help young people to have prosperous future, to get married, to have houses to live in and to have jobs, we will be in grave danger. The young generations have great potentials, they are the hope of the future, the foundation of the Ummah and the reliable power on whom we put our hopes to uplift this Ummah and bring back its leading role.

Money increases and becomes beneficial to sh3er by investing:

  Zakat motivates people to invest their money, so that it increases, and the increase of money entails paying Zakat. Who will benefit from this Zakat? The poor.

Investing money in any business will bring profits to lots of people. I would like to remind you of the example I mentioned previously; you noticed how a project between the owner of the money and the agricultural engineer benefits a wide group of people. I read once an essay about a French car company which signed 200 thousand contracts with other companies to satisfy the needs of other companies for this car. 

 I sometimes ask business men about the amounts of money needed in establishing a certain business and they say that in some cases the amounts equalize half of the profits. These amounts are spent as fees to employees, such as a mechanic, a painter, …etc, whether they work for such business temporarily or permanently.

 Almighty Allah ordained Zakat in order not to treasure money and hinder its profits from other social classes. I am not telling you that you should give your money as Sadaqah, but rather I am advising you to invest it and share other people its profits.

Halal and Haram incomes:

 Many questions are raised about whether there are clear rules specifying the lawful income, and other rules classifying the types of unlawful income. The answer to these inquiries yes there are. 

 The lawful income is more or less based on mutual benefit to all parties, whereas the unlawful income is based on benefiting one party at the expense of other parties. Let me give you an example to elaborate the concept of mutual benefit. Suppose that you live in one of Damascus allies, and you lease a small shop there. The person who rents you the shop will benefit from the money you pay him, the people who live in the neighborhood will get benefit as they satisfy their needs from your shop, the money people pay you will help satisfy your family's needs such as food and drink. Also, you will be able to pay bills and the installments of studies for your kids. Hence, this business is lawful; it brings mutual benefit to the owner of the shop, you, people in the neighborhood and to your family.
 The mutual benefit is clearly manifested in speculative partnership (in which one is investing money and the other is putting effort. )The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was the first one in Islam to have this kind of partnership; he was the first partner who made effort in trading with Khadijah's money, so both parties made profits and expenses were reduced by benefiting a wide social group of people.

Halal earning is a mutual benefit, whereas Haram earning is a mere stealing:

 Let us say that you have a farm and that your crops are afflicted with harmful insects. Thus, you go to a centre for agricultural services and ask for an agricultural engineer to give you a piece of advice concerning the type of the pesticide you should use to get rid of the insect. The engineer is an employee in that centre, so he will be given money for his services, the centre will be paid the price of the pesticide by you and you will benefit from this pesticide and have good crops which will be sold in the markets. The profits of the farm are distributed between the engineer and the centre where the engineer works. Almighty Allah decrees that the profits are circulated among many people, so they all can make benefit from them. This process is called "the rotation of the economic wheel." 

 Once I asked an owner of a restaurant about his business in the restaurant to which he replied that it was bad due to the law rain rate that year. Then I asked him to explain to me what he meant by that and he said that law rain rate meant few corps and few profits, so people would not be encouraged to eat in restaurant, but rather they would prefer to eat at home.

 Also I was told once by an owner of an embroidering factory that their profits were very good. Given the products of this factory are not a daily demand, for women usually buy such goods in wedding ceremonies. I asked him about the reason behind the good profits, and he replied, "The rain rate in Al Hasakah was very high, which means good crops, the peasants will be paid a lot of money in return and they will be able to find their young men wives to marry. Thus, the demand for such goods will increase." The profits of a farmer was once about 58 million when he sold his crops of wheat. Again, the abundance of rain means good crops, a lot of profits, financial ability to get married and the ability to buy embroidered wedding dress. You see how life is complicated. Actually the lawful earning is in one way or another a mutual benefit, while the unlawful earning is but stealing.

Haram earning is a benefit got by causing harm to sh3er:

 Take an example of a peasant who worked for 8 months in his farm, planting it, aggregating it, treating it from insects and collecting the crops when they ripen. He made great efforts to have this job accomplished, and at the end he sold the crops in the market and got the money. Let us suppose that he was paid about two thousand hundred liras, and upon his return to his house a pickpocket took his money as simple as that. This act is unlawful and Haram, because it is a benefit got by harming other people. I am just giving you examples about the basic rules; Halal earning is based on mutual benefit, while Haram one is based on harming sh3er. 

 We can apply these rules, not only to business but also to other social matters. For instance, when someone commits adultery (Zina) with a young woman , he will make her a prostitute, because she will decide to run away from her family, lest she will be killed after bringing disgrace to them. The only choice left for her is to make use of her beauty and go on with prostituting. As time passes her beauty will fade away and she will turn into a mendicant.

 The adulterer satisfies his lust unlawfully causing the corruption, scandal, misery and dark future (prostitution and pegging) to a young woman. All he cares about is having his desire satisfied at the expense of this young woman. Causing harm to other people is Haram.

 The healthy and permissible affair (marriage,) on the other hand, will cause no harm to anyone. On the contrary, when a young man gets married he will have a family; daughters and sons, who in turn will get married. The members of the family will increase as there will be daughters in law and sons in law. Before becoming a mother, the woman is young and beautiful, as time passes she may lose some of her beauty but will mature with age and when she gets older and become a grandmother she will be a respected reference and a pillar for the whole family..

 Notice how a woman within the framework of marriage has a specific respected position; during the first years of her marriage she is beautiful, as she becomes a mother, she will be very tender and when she becomes a grandmother she will be considered the head of the family. Hence by marriage the husband and the wife get mutual benefit; they both fulfill their desires within a permissible relationship, which pleases Almighty Allah. Later on they may have children who will be the source of joy to the them, and the children will grow up and will bring to the family grandchildren.

The Divine method is built on fearing Allah and obeying Him:

 An old scholar told me upon visiting him that thirteen grandchildren of his are doctors. Having a family is a mutual benefit; the wife has a respected position as a wife and a mother who has children and is very proud of her husband who is her legitimate lover. The family becomes bigger in number later on; there will be sons and daughters in law who will be willing to take care of the parents in law. This is the Divine system which is presented by  Halal mutual benefits, while the devil's path is but a benefit got selfishly by destroying sh3er. 

 A wealthy man had been to Italy once, and in the hotel where he stayed, prostitution services were offered. At 1. a.m a prostitute knocked on his room door, he welcomed her and he committed adultery with her. When he woke up in the morning, he saw a note left on the mirror written in it: "Welcome to AIDS club." As a result he committed suicide. That illicit affair which he had is Haram. It is bad enough for an hour of lust to cause someone sorrow for a long time. That man thought that he was brilliant when he fulfilled his desire, while the truth was that the prostitute made him join the AIDS club as he became one of the AIDS patients.

 I was told by someone that while he was abroad he committed adultery, so he was afflicted with a sexual disease. He said that hiding this fact from his wife and kids destroyed him totally.

 Generally, Halal is whatever brings mutual benefits to all parties, whereas Haram is the selfish benefit that is built on causing harm to sh3er.

 Dear brother, unless the details of Shar'e are perfect in all its parts, there will be a problem. Since it is the religion of Allah the Almighty, it is perfect. Allah created man and elevated him by guiding him to the Halal relationship through which he can satisfy his desires. Allah decreed that the relationship between man and woman should be within marriage. This relationship will enable us to have families, sons, daughters, sons in law and daughters in law. Affection and love will hover all around the house of the family. In such a family the father will find more than ten members of his family willing to look after him when he is sick. Communications and visits between the members of the family will never stop, whereas a person who has illicit affairs will find himself alone on the roadway.

Investing money enables us to pay Zakat from the profits:

 I intended in this blessed meeting to make it clear that money is the backbone of life, and that it is a neutral means through which we lift or fall , not to mention that spending money on ways that please Almighty Allah is the utmost deed by which we draw closer to Allah. For the purpose of making money circulated among people, Allah ordained Zakat. Listen to the outstanding hint to investing money in the following Hadith: 

((Invest orphan's money in trading lest Zakat consumes it.))

 Hence, unless you invest your money, it will be spent in Zakat in forty years. Investing your money will increase it and will enable you to pay Zakat from the profits of such an investment:

(( And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise).))

[Al-Ahzab, 71]

 Allah the Almighty also says:

(( Allah will destroy Riba (usury) and will give increase for Sadaqat (deeds of charity, alms, etc.) ))

[Al-Baqarah, 276]

Whoever neglects the Divine method will be in a great error:

 I mentioned once the meaning of the following Ayah:

(( They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.))

[Al-Baqarah, 5]

 The preposition "on" indicates that those people are elevated for being guided. Guidance is a Divine method in which orders are indicated and permissible deeds (Halal) and the forbidden ones (Haram) are clarified. For example, by this method, we know that Zina (adultery) is Haram, wine is Haram and backbiting is Haram. Thus this method gives us all the details and restrictions that are ordained upon those who follow it. The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said in a reported Hadith:

((Faith leashes killing, and he who believes would never kill.))

[Ahmad by Ibn Az- Zubair]

 If you are a true believer, you will never overlook a thousand liras which may be given to you by mistake from the cashier, so you will give it back to him. Whoever overlooks the method of Allah will be as Allah has described in the following Ayah:

(( They are in plain error!))

[Az-Zumar, 22]

The Divine method doesn't restrict man, but rather it protects him:

 Addhalal (the plain error) means no limits or restrictions. If your actions or behavior knows no limits, you will either be imprisoned by depression or in the prison.


 Let me tell you a story which I will never forget: a young poor man used to sell fabrics on the sidewalk of Souq Al-Hamidiyah.. He was selling each piece for one dollar (this prices equals fifty liras.) One day a Persian woman bought one piece which she liked a lot and paid him. He took the money and put it in his pocket. One minute later he checked the money he had to find one hundred dollars bill, so he wondered where this bill came from. Then he realized that the Persian woman gave it to him by mistake. Immediately, he asked his neighbor (who happened to be money changer) to look after his fabrics, ran after the woman who was two hundred meters away, and gave her the one hundred dollars bill and took one dollar. She thanked him heartedly. Amazed by his honesty, the money changer offered him to be his partner and the young man agreed. That young poor man became a successful businessman. Now He has a huge capital, is married, lives in a very luxurious house and owns an American car. He lives in prosperity, because he ran after that woman and proved his honesty to his neighbor (his partner later on.)

 The same thing happened to another poor young man, but his reaction was exactly the opposite. The young poor man used to sell fabrics on the sidewalk in a place called "Sayidah Ruqayah." One day a Persian woman bought a piece of fabric and gave him by mistake on hundred dollars bill instead of one dollar, but this young man did not tell her about that because he wanted to keep the money for himself. Consequently, the woman filed a complaint to the police and took them to that young man, so they arrested him. He denied what happened, but then he confessed that he took her money after being severely hit. He gave back her money besides paying five thousand liras in order not to be transferred to the public prosecution
 By Allah, it is the same story, but the first one was exalted and honored by Allah because of his honesty, and he became rich, whereas the other one who thought that what he did was an act of cleverness was disgraced.

(( And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise).))

[Al-Ahzab, 71]

Turning away from the Divine method is the reason behind all afflictions:

 Dear brother, nine-tenths of the sins committed have to do with ill-gotten earning and illicit affairs. Also nine-tenths of Fiqhi rulings are on earning money and spending it, and on the permissible relationship between men and women. 

 The history is full of scandals, but what are the scandals all about? They are either financial sandals or sex ones. Hence, the believer can protect himself from accepting unlawful earning and committing adultery by acting upon Allah's orders.

 Dear brother, in 1974 I delivered my first Khutbah in this Masjid. After I finished the Khutbah, a fifty- five year old man came to me crying. He said, "My wife betrays me; she has an illicit affair with someone." I asked him, "Who is he?" He answered, "My neighbor who lives next door", then I asked again, "How this neighbor was introduced to your wife?" He answered, "Once he visited us, and I asked my wife to sit with us telling her that she is just like his sister." I commented, "If you had attended a religious session you would have never allowed your wife to sit with your neighbor. Now you pay the price of your ignorance about rulings on forbidden mingling between men and women."

 Every disaster on earth, since Adam till the Day of Judgment, is in one way or another the very result of abusing the Divine method out of ignorance. Ignorance is the most vicious enemy to mankind.

 A friend of mine who happens to be a former prison manager, gave me a copy of a book he wrote. The book is a study of sixty three prison cases. The author refers to the punishment of each crime highlighting at the same time the Ayah or Hadith in which the prohibition of the every crime is mentioned.

Money shouldn't be a fortune used by the wealthy only:

 I keep saying that money is the backbone of life, the dearest thing to mankind and the neutral means through which we are either exalted or hit rock bottom. I mentioned previously that the major standard of progress in a country is specified by how small the gap between the rich and the poor and between the powerful and the weak is. What makes a country backward is the huge gap between the rich and the poor and between the powerful and the weak.


 I visited an African country which is considered one of the richest countries in Africa in diamond, uranium and gold, but my heart was broken because its people are the poorest, which is really a serious problem. Listen again to the following Ayah, please:

(( In order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you ))

[Al-Hashr, 7]

 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

Refusing to learn makes man in an inappropriate level:

 Let us move on to the scientific topic. Allah says:

(( Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], Has taught man that which he knew not. ))

[Al-Alaq, 1-5]

 The first word in this first Surah of the Noble Quran is "read," which means that Almighty Allah orders us to "Learn." As you all know, Allah the Almighty installed in man the ability to comprehend, so if man does not seeks the Islamic knowledge, he will forsake his human nature and slips to an inappropriate level.

 Every one of you is fulfilling the purpose of his existence by attending this religious session, because you are trying to get yourself acquainted with Allah which is the utmost knowledge one can get.

((O, son of Adam, if you seek me you will find me. If you find me you will find everything else, and if you miss me you will miss everything else.))

Happiness is granted to the one who knows Allah:

 Allah the Almighty says:

(( Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds (five compulsory prayers, deeds of Allah's obedience, good and nice talk, remembrance of Allah with glorification, praises and thanks, etc.), that last,))

[Al-Kahf, 46]

 A billionaire will live in a prestigious house, will own an expensive car, will possess the most advanced gadgets, will go for tourism every year. His lifestyle will be beyond the limits of imagination. Pay attention to the following Ayah, please:

(( Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds (five compulsory prayers, deeds of Allah's obedience, good and nice talk, remembrance of Allah with glorification, praises and thanks, etc.), that last,))

[Al-Kahf, 46]

 "But the good righteous deeds," which means that money does not last. Some scholars said that what lasts is the remembrance of Allah; Subhan Allah Wa Alhamdulelah, Wa La Ilaha Illa Allah, Wa Allaho Akbar (Allah is far removed from every imperfection, all praise belongs to Allah, There is no God but Allah and Allah is the Most Great.) glorifying Allah, praising Him and thanking Him indicates that you know Him. When you get yourself acquainted with Allah, you will know everything, will be pleased in the worldly life and in the hereafter and will never feel sorry for anything you missed in the worldly life.

The mind is a complicated part which needs revelation:

 Allah the Almighty addresses us saying:

(( Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists) ))

[Al-Alaq, 1]

 It is an attentive reading which deepens one's faith. Unfortunately some people read and read only to disbelieve, Allah forbid.

 Man's sight is useless if there is no light, and light is useless if there is no sight. If someone can see, but he sits in a dark room, he will not be able to get benefit from his sight, the same goes with someone who sits in a lightened room, but is blind; he cannot make use of the light. Thus, sight and light are closely connected to each other to enable one to see. Similarly, mind and revelation are closely attached to each other. A mind without revelation will stop working properly. This the case of a Lebanese author's mind; he used his mind and ignored revelation, so after a lot of thinking he deduced that the Lord of Muhammad is a dictator god because He doesn't accept another god with Him, whereas the gods of Quraish are democrats because every one of them accepts the other in a democratic society where many gods exist:

(( Verily, he thought and plotted; So let him be cursed! How he plotted! And once more let him be cursed, how he plotted! Then he thought; Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way; Then he turned back and was proud; Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old; "This is nothing but the word of a human being!" I will cast him into Hell-fire. And what will make you know exactly what Hell-fire is? It spares not (any sinner), nor does it leave (anything unburnt)! ))

[Al-Muddathir, 18-28]

 The mind without revelation is like the eye without light; the proper function of one of them depends on the other, otherwise, they are useless. Hence, the mind is a very complicated machine which needs revelation and guidance from Allah the Almighty.

Reading is important to have faith in Allah The Great:

(( Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists) ))

[Al-Alaq, 1]

 If you want to believe, you should read:

(( Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists) ))

[Al-Alaq, 1]

 Notice how the closest thing to reading is your own body:

(( Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). ))

[Al-Alaq, 2]

Creating mankind indicates Allah's greatness:

 The husband ejaculates about 300 million sperms in the intercourse, while the egg needs only one of these sperms, isn't that amazing? How does this sperm enter the egg cell? By Allah it is a miracle; when the sperm collides with the membrane of the egg cell, the membrane will rupture. Beneath it there is a noble substance which dissolves the egg cell membrane, making a path for the sperm in the process, then it is closed. Only one of the 300 million sperms, 

manages to enter the egg. As this happens, the fertilized egg moves from the ovary to the fallopian tube and begins dividing rapidly into many cells on its way to the womb. It is divided into 10 thousand times without growing bigger, so that it won't get stuck in its place due to the narrowness of the tube. Now the question which makes one bewildered is: 

 how does this egg move forward in the fallopian tube? Are there any wheels or any other means to move it? Incredibly there are tiny hairs on the lumen of the fallopian tube without which the egg will never move forward, without which no human being, no life in this meeting, in Damascus or in Syria, no Middle East crisis, nor wars all over the world will exist.

 These tiny hairs on the lumen of the fallopian tube are crucial for our existence. Because of these tiny hairs, the egg reaches the womb and is implanted in the endometrium to be called in this stage the "blood clot."If this egg fails to implant in the endometrium, the wife will have her period and there will be no pregnancy, whereas the absence of the period means that the fertilized egg is implanted and settled in the womb. It starts to grow for nine month to make a baby who has eyes.

Man's eye s indicates Allah's greatness:

 There are 130 million rods and cones in every one and a quarter millimeter square in the retina. Listen to the characteristics of each part in the eye: 

the retina consists of 10 layers, the cornea is transparent, the iris is the unique identity of every individual, the eye has antifreeze substance, the muscles of the eye are on the right, the left, up and down there is the eye socket and there are tears. The external parts are eyelid and eyelashes:

(( Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? ))

[Al-Balad, 8]

 By your eye you get instant image, unlike the image taken by the camera which needs time to be ready for you to see. I Imagine that the eye works like the camera, or that a student should wait for the next day to see the lesson he looks at on the board. The eye works instantly, and it can differentiate between eight million different colors and eight hundred thousand shades of every color.

 If someone travels to Finland where the temperature is below minus 70, his eye could be frozen and he may lose his sight, but an antifreeze substance in the eye protects it. Who bestowed it? Whose hand put it there? Who made the cornea transparent? Who gave the pupil the ability to dilate and constrict? The pupil dilates in the dark and constricts in light. There is a part in the camera called "the opening" whose function resembles the function of the pupil in the eye.

 Who measured the distance between the eye and any seen substance? Who gave orders to the elastic lens in the eye, which is provided with ciliary muscles, to apply pressure on the lens (by one in a thousand of the Micron) to make the image formed on the retina in the most complicated process that is called "focus"?

Reflecting on the various Signs of Allah leads us to Him:

 By Allah, a lifetime will never be enough if one wants to explore Allah's Sings in the eye:

(( Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? ))

[Al-Balad, 8]

 Nowadays the "Iris based Human Identification" is being applied in most airports like in Dubai, Rome, Washington and London. When someone's iris is scanned, no one can claim his identity, because there are no two identical irises in every six thousand million individuals.

(( Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? ))

[Al-Balad, 8]


(( Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], Has taught man that which he knew not. ))

[Al-Alaq, 1-5]

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